Collective Worship
Collective Worship is a central part of school life at Duloe. Collective Worship is an inclusive, invitational and inspiring occasion for the children. Without compulsion, we want our children to grow in spirituality through experiences of prayer, worship and reflection.
Collective Worship will include different aspects on different days, for example, music, silence, story, prayer and reflection.
Collective Worship often focuses on key events within the Christian calendar and other local and national events and uses our 'Windows, Mirrors, Doors' approach to develop children's spirituality.
Roots and Fruits Collective Worship
This Collective Worship focuses on a different Christian Value each work. The Collective Worship is rooted in a Biblical text and allows children to reflect and act from these.
Windows, Mirrors, Doors Collective Worship
This Collective Worship is focused on Spirituality. We look at how amazing the world is, what our place is within it and how we can help to improve it.
Religious Calendar Collective Worship
The children learn about key events in Christian calendar and that of our world religions to foster better understanding and to celebrate diversity.
'Child Takeover' Collective Worship
Children have the opportunity to volunteer to speak in Collective Worship about a subject of their choice. This not only promotes children's oracy, and confidence, it also helps to promote the family feel within the school.
Celebration Collective Worship
We celebrate the children's successes over the past week (inside and outside of school). Using our behaviour reward system, based on our Christian Values we see which children win a reward/privilege.
St Cuby's Church Collective Worship
Once a month we lead a service at our local church, St Cuby's. These services reflect events in the Christian Calendar.
Open the Book Collective Worship
Once a month we are also joined by the Open the Book group who retell a Bible story to the children. This is one of our favourite events each month.
Truro Diocese Zoom Collective Worship
The school also joins with other schools across the diocese via Zoom at different point within the year to celebrate events within the Christian calendar.
To mark the beginning of Lent, we held our annual Ash Wednesday service at St Cuby's this week.
Children from Year 6 and Year 5 spoke about the origins of Ash Wednesday and its links with Shrove Tuesday
The service marks the beginning of a half-term of Collective Worships related to the Easter story which will culminate in a production at St Cuby's based on the Easter story.
Reverend Ben also kindly joined us for the service and children and the wider congregation were invited to take the mark of the cross.
Class 1 led our Christmas service this year, retelling the Nativity. They demonstrated excellent speaking and singing within a packed out St Cubys.
This was the culmination of the children's RE lessons for the half-term focusing on the Incarnation.
A huge thank you to all of those who came along to support. The collection for St Cubys reached an amazing £138.
Children at Duloe took part in an interactive Collective Worship organised by the Truro Diocese entitled 'Follow the Star'. The children joined other schools from across Cornwall in a service led by Bishop Philip and Bishop Hugh.
Our Year 6 children planned this years Harvest Service alongside Revd Ben.
The children acted out the story of Ruth meeting Boaz in the grain fields.
The school raised money for the Liskeard and Looe foodbank as part of our Harvest service.
For the first time since the pandemic, we welcomed parents and carers back to St Cuby's for one of our monthly services.
Children from Class 3 retold the Easter story using some egg-cellent props made by Class 1. We aso has some beautiful Easter poetry written by Class 2.
Thank you to all our parents and carers for attending. It was wonderful to see the church packed to capacity.
The children joined a virtual Easter service organised by Truro Diocese, where the children joined with other schools from across the county and listened to Bishop Philip Mountstephen and Bishop Hugh Nelson.
Today we held our Ash Wednesday service at St Cuby's church.
Ash Wednesday follows Shrove Tuesday. People used to go to church on Shrove Tuesday to be ‘shriven’. This is an old word that means that everyone had to confess all the things that they knew they had done wrong. The priest then blessed them, they went home, and made pancakes to use up the eggs in the house, ready for… Ash Wednesday.
Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent - six weeks of preparing for Easter. Lent is a fast - a time of eating less well, and praying more. It's also a time of thinking about all the things that human beings get wrong.
It is called Ash Wednesday as people are 'ashed'. The palm crosses from the previous Palm Sunday are burnt and the ash is made into a paste. The paste is then used to draw the symbol of a cross on the person’s forehead.
The children also helped our church warden, Penny Geech, to change the liturgical cloth on the alter from green to purple to mark the start of Lent.
Our service was finished by Kiera who read a prayer based upon Ash Wednesday.
On Tuesday 5th February, the school held a Candlemas Service to celebrate the festival.
Candlemas commemorates the ritual purification of Mary, 40 days after the birth of her son Jesus. This day also marks the ritual presentation of the baby Jesus to God in the Temple at Jerusalem.
The Gospel of Luke (which was read by school governor Penny Geach) says that Jesus was met by Anna and Simeon. Simeon held the baby Jesus and called him a Light to the World.
The festival is called Candlemas because this was the day that all the Church's candles for the year were blessed.
What a magical service! For our First Wednesday Worship of December, Rev Chloe led a fantastic Chris-tingle service. The children sang beautifully and a selection of children read and said prayers to the congregation.
All 90 children then collected their Chris-tingle oranges from the alter and and had them lit. It was wonderful to see so many family members attend the service as well. What a great way to start our festive celebrations.
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