
Uniform with the school logo can be purchased through the MyClothing. Please click on the link below, which will take you straight to the website, https://myclothing.com/duloe-junior-and-infant-school/19569.school

For all your uniform needs, quality assured Duloe Junior and Infant School (myclothing.com)

A number of children are now wearing these items and they do look particularly good.

Blue and white summer dresses are also part of the school uniform.

It is not imperative that children wear uniform with the school logo, although this is our preference. If you choose not to purchase uniform through MyClothing, please can alternatives be as similar as possible in terms of style and colour.

Open-toed shoes and high heels are not suitable for school.

Please ensure all of your child’s clothes are labelled – it saves everybody a lot of time! 

One day a week, your child will need to come into school in their PE kit.

On this day children will need to wear:

White or black trainers;
Blue or black shorts or tracksuit bottoms, depending on the weather;
A white or blue t-shirt;
Their school jumper or cardigan;
A warm and waterproof coat. 



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