Our Curriculum


An adventure for the mind and a home for the heart for all God's children.

Duloe prides itself on having a broad, balanced and challenging curriculum. 'An adventure for the mind and a home for the heart for all God's children' is the schools mission statement. This outlines the importance that creativity and Christianity play in our curriculum. Our core  Christian values (Compassion, Creativity, Friendship, Perseverance and Respect) will permeate all aspects of our curriculum. 

The holistic development of children within our school is a crucial part of who we are. This can be seen in the bespoke TIS sessions we hold with children but more broadly with the family ethos we try to foster. 

Alongside this, developing children's love of reading is a key aspect in our curriculum design. We believe reading is the cornerstone of education. By teaching your child to be a confident reader opens the rest of the curriculum and gives them the greatest chance of being successful in the future.


As we have mixed-aged classes at Duloe, our curriculum works on a two-year rolling program to ensure the children do not repeat content already covered. This also ensures coverage of the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum. Teachers will create half-term or termly umbrella projects based on an exciting theme. These projects start with an inquiry question that they feel will captivate the children’s interest. After organising these long-term plans, teachers plot the narrative of their project while incorporating the National Curriculum. This process creates a medium-term plan that can be used as a starting point for shorter-term plans.  

The school also follows Bridge School’s progression ladders for wider curriculum subjects. These progression ladders identify how different skills build upon each other through a child’s time at school.  

To ensure depth of understanding and to aid children's memory of the content they have covered, we block our wider curriculum subjects. PE and RE are taught every week, while the rest of the lessons in the afternoon for that week or over the next couple of weeks, will be dedicated  to a specific subject.


The impact of our curriculum will be seen in many ways. First will be the academic attainment and progress our children will make. Furthermore, our children will have had a rich and varied diet of learning during their time at Duloe. This will involve experiences that have inspired and enthused them. These experiences may come from a host of different areas.
Our 'Heads Blog' aims to capture some of these experiences that occur every week within our school. 

Our Approach to the Curriculum

At Duloe CofE Primary, we have devised a knowledge rich curriculum, based on the National Curriculum programmes of study, which sequences knowledge, concepts and skills. We believe it is vitally important that children develop secure understanding of each key block of knowledge and concepts in order to progress to the next stage as insecure, superficial understanding will not allow genuine progression.

We view knowledge as encompassing not only established facts, but also concepts, ideas, themes and theories. These different forms of subject specific knowledge interlink and are mutually dependent.

Through our curriculum, children:

• learn key subject specific facts and vocabulary

• build knowledge developed through the understanding of concepts and generalisations, enabling pupils to identify processes, different perspectives and values

• experience high quality enquiry, having the opportunity to make decisions and problem solve

• have the opportunity to engage mentally with questions about people, society, environment and the planet. This means they identify, assimilate, analyse and communicate data of various kinds, and learn the skills to do so productively

• learn how to think and act like a subject specific practitioner

Researchers have emphasised the growing importance of being able to understand, interpret and apply knowledge and skills in various situations (OECD Future of Education and Skills 2019). This is why we link some of our subject specific teaching through an enquiry question.

Our use of an enquiry question and built-in opportunities for children to identify aspects of learning they wish to develop, secures pupil engagement and supports knowledge being embedded in long term memory. 

Please find below our curriculum ladders of progression which help us ensure we teach age appropriate knowledge and skills. Because at Duloe our classes contain a number of year groups, we use a rolling programme to support us in delivering this curriculum.
We have recently added tier 3 vocabulary to our progress ladders to support children's vocabulary development.



View the following documents within your web browser or download to read later

Art and Design skills knoweldge and vocabulary progress ladder June 2021.docx
Art and Design skills knoweldge and vocabulary progress ladder June 2021.docx
Computing skills knoweldge and vocabulary progress ladder June 2021.docx
Computing skills knoweldge and vocabulary progress ladder June 2021.docx
Continuous Provision at Duloe.docx
Continuous Provision at Duloe.docx
DT skills knoweldge and vocabulary progress ladder June 2021.docx
DT skills knoweldge and vocabulary progress ladder June 2021.docx
French at Duloe.docx
French at Duloe.docx
Geography skills knoweldge and vocabulary progress ladder June 2021.docx
Geography skills knoweldge and vocabulary progress ladder June 2021.docx
History skills knowledge and vocabulary progress ladder June 2021.doc
History skills knowledge and vocabulary progress ladder June 2021.doc
Mathematics at Duloe.docx
Mathematics at Duloe.docx
MFL skills knoweldge and vocabulary progress ladder June 2021.docx
MFL skills knoweldge and vocabulary progress ladder June 2021.docx



Music skills knoweldge and vocabulary progress ladder June 2021.docx
Music skills knoweldge and vocabulary progress ladder June 2021.docx
Physical Education at Duloe.docx
Physical Education at Duloe.docx
Reading at Duloe.docx
Reading at Duloe.docx
RE skills knoweldge and vocabulary progress ladder June 2021.docx
RE skills knoweldge and vocabulary progress ladder June 2021.docx
Science skills knoweldge and vocabulary progress ladder June 2021.docx
Science skills knoweldge and vocabulary progress ladder June 2021.docx
SMSC at Duloe.docx
SMSC at Duloe.docx
Writing at Duloe.docx
Writing at Duloe.docx


Our Values...



We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.



We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.



We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.



We are passionate about learning.



We are the best we can be.



We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.

© 2025 Bridge Schools trust is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Registration number 7736425. It is an exempt charity.