Head's Blog

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Armistice Day 


At the eleventh hour on the eleventh day of the eleventh month - we will remember them.


Climate Injustice 

This week, the children have been learning about Climate Injustice. On Monday we had a talk from environmental children’s author Ellie Jackson, whose books raise environmental awareness and help to educate the next generation on the importance of preserving our planet.

The children have also been working on artwork and poems throughout the week based upon climate injustice which will been entered into a national competition run by Christian Aid.



This half term Class 1’s enquiry question has been ‘How has Duloe changed since it’s stone circle was created?’

The children have been busy learning about what life was like in the Bronze age and as part of their art have created beautiful sketches of Duloe Stone Circle which will be on display in St Cuby church over half term.


Whole School Apple Picking 


                                                                                                                                                                                                                Today the whole school pulled on their wellies and headed out across the fields to an orchard at Tremadart Barton farm. The children all collected bags of apples to take home and filled crates for the harvest. 


Science - circulatory system 

As part of their learning about the circulatory system, Class 3 have been dissecting pig hearts, so they can identify the chambers in the heart and the veins and arteries running into and out of the heart. 


Computing Coding Workshop 

This week Class 3 took part in a coding workshop with Robert from Tech Cornwall. In the workshop we programmed micro:bit led devices using  Python computer coding program. We were able to program written messages and control lights in a led strip.


Harvest Festival Foodbank Collection 

Thank you for your generosity in donations for the Liskeard and Looe foodbank last week. All your items have been collected by the Foodbank and they were incredibly grateful for the kindness shown.

A massive thank you also for attending the Harvest Festival service at Cuby’s in such numbers. Class 2 did an amazing job leading the service and it was wonderful seeing our school community come together again. 


Class 2 Music 

Class 2 are enjoying our music sessions with Mrs Butlin. They have been composing their own sequence of 8 beats and moves. They have explored how they might record it on a visual score- lots of clapping and thigh slapping! This week they were even able to perform each others by reading the different scores! Next week, we start to transfer the beats to traditional crochets and quavers. 


School Charity - ShelterBox 

Following on from our focus last year on ‘courageous advocacy’ this week we held a whole-school vote to decide upon a school charity for the year. The children learnt about four different charities: Jerimiah’s Journey, the RNLI, Cancer Research UK and ShelterBox. As part of our learning about democracy, we then held a vote where the children selected which charity they would like to support. After a very tense and close count, ShelterBox was announced as our charity for the year. Going forward, the children will learn more about the great work this charity does, and we will explore opportunities where we can support them as a charity.





This week, we have heard that Duloe has been successful in our application to the Church of England to become a Growing Faith Learning Hub. We are one of only a handful of schools across the country to be selected for this scheme and it is a huge honour to be selected after a lengthy process. Being selected demonstrates our commitment to our Christian distinctiveness as a Church of England School and our desire to continue to build on this. Becoming a Learning Hub also comes with a sizeable financial injection for the school which will allow us to develop some innovative ways of linking Church, school and home. The partnership starts officially in January, and I look forward to updating you on the next steps in this journey.


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We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.



We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.



We are passionate about learning.



We are the best we can be.



We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.

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