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Gunnislake Primary Academy   May 2024 Blog

Posted 09/05/2024
by Michael Sherwood

We are already more than halfway through this half term and it has been as busy as ever here in Perranporth.

Firstly, the children spent 2 weeks completing a bikeability course where the children took to the local roads to improve their cycling skills. The children had an amazing time on their bikes and were definitely tired by the end of each day! At the end of the course, each child received a certificate and a pin to recognise their progress. Hopefully they can complete the next level of the course in year 6.

Secondly we had a visit by an ambulance and the children got the opportunity to explore the kit of an ambulance and try out moving a child patient just like paramedics do. The children loved this, it looked like they were carrying around a mummy!

Inside class the class have been immersing themselves in the Michael Morpurgo classic Kensuke’s Kingdom. We have read the entire story in English and have been exploring the characters and the relationships between them. The children were very keen to finish it as quickly as possible and some were crying with the ending! In English they will be creating a new chapter to go in the story. I am very excited to see what they can do.

In other lessons, the children have looked at statistics and angles in Maths, animals and their life cycles in science, Mexico in Geography, the work of Vincent Van Gogh in Art, and athletics in P.E. This half term is fast paced, but the children are handling it well.

Overall it’s been an amazing start to this half term, and the children are slowly being prepared for transition to year 6 in September and I know the rest of this half term will fly by. Have a lovely rest of the half term! Mr. Sherwood


Blisland Primary Academy   Exploring the world of Mini-beasts..

Posted 08/05/2024
by Julie Pearce

We feel it’s really important to encourage our children’s curiosity about the natural world, for they will be the next generation safeguarding the future of our planet. Minibeasts, in particular, play a vital role in nature, and our children love to learn about how bees pollinate our plants, ladybirds eat the pests on our crops, and worms help to keep our soil healthy.

Lifecycles form an important part of this project, and we have our own class caterpillars. This gives the children a chance to watch their very own hungry caterpillars grow and turn into beautiful butterflies, which we’ll release in the nursery grounds.

The world of mini-beasts is amazing. There is always something new to learn, so we’ll be putting on our sunhats and sun cream, packing our binoculars and magnifying glasses, and setting off to explore the incredible tiny world that’s all around us over the coming weeks!



Delaware Primary Academy   April in the ARC

Posted 07/05/2024
by Johanna Thomas

April in the ARC

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc nunc purus, iaculis ut nulla id, condimentum euismod ligula. Aenean ut lorem purus. Etiam ac sodales sapien. Praesent bibendum congue ipsum in ullamcorper. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Fusce tincidunt ac urna in faucibus. Sed tristique velit eu rhoncus aliquam. Curabitur mauris nulla, maximus dapibus tempus non mattis at urna. Sed et dapibus eros, eu venenatis est. Donec scelerisque interdum odio, vitae suscipit eros laoreet sed. Sed blandit nulla elit. Donec eget porta sem.

Praesent aliquam libero vitae rutrum bibendum. Donec consequat velit et consequat ultrices. Nunc porttitor lorem est, et porttitor ex facilisis id. Duis egestas condimentum erat id eleifend. Integer quis fermentum metus. Nulla eu neque vitae nibh hendrerit dignissim. Sed vulputate quam vitae fringilla euismod. Mauris eget pellentesque velit, sit amet euismod enim. Nunc lacus tellus, pretium nec diam ac, sollicitudin lacinia tellus.


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   week ending 10.05.24

Posted 07/05/2024
by Helen King

Our Wonderful Porfell Trip!

Last Friday, KS1 and EYFS went to Porfell Wildlife Park to look at the farm animals in particular, but we also loved looking at all the other exotic animals that live there!

We loved watching the meerkats!  And all the other animals and birds... It was an amazing day! We learnt a lot about Porfell and how it was started over 35 years ago!!

In other news...

After a lovely long weekend, in science we dissected some flowering plants into their different parts.  We also had a visit from a NHS ambulance, we loved looking around it and seeing all the equipment that is needed - we especially enjoyed setting off the siren!!  In English we sequence the events from our trip to Porfell, ready to write a recount next week.


Wadebridge Primary Academy  

Posted 07/05/2024
by Sorrel Beckett

Summer 1 - Week 3 - Healthy bodies, healthy minds, healthy hearts... 


In English this week, the children came to the end of their emotive writing, learning journey. Their main ‘Big write’ was to write a recount in the form of the letter. Within the letter, the children had to recall the old man’s time in the war, the moment he lost his friend and the time he first laid eyes on his wife. The content of the letter embedded skills and knowledge learnt across the learning journey.

Once the children completed their letters, they wrote them up into their star writer books!

Our next learning journey is based on the genre ‘Myths and Legends’ – The children will explore the text ‘The Legend of Podkin One-Ear’.


In Maths this week, we began looking at our old arithmetic papers during our carousel activity. The children had time to look at questions marked incorrectly and re-attempt them. They had support in addressing misconceptions and setting next step targets.

For the rest of the week, the children continued their shape learning journey. The morning work supported this, where the children had the opportunity to develop their skills and knowledge of recognising and drawing angles accurately.

To end the journey, the children completed their end of unit assessments. They are then given their score backs and set targets accordingly.

Our next learning journey will be position and direction!

Wider  Curriculum

It was art, art and more art this week! The children began to make their insects/animals. They sculpted them using newspaper, tape and metal wire; all forming the body, head and legs.

Next, they used Modroc to protect and finalise the shape. They worked effectively to model the Modroc to fit their sculptures. Once dry, they would be ready to paint.

Some children still need to Modroc so we will continue this next week. However, the ones who were finished then went back to their sketch books to continue to develop their designs and explain their learning journey.

A special mention to Kyro and Harry who were sent to show their sketch books to Mr Wathern. These were then displayed in our shining stars assembly, WELL DONE BOYS!

Arena Health and Well-being Day

Year 5 on Friday, were lucky enough to have Arena in, to carry out a health and well-being day. The children engaged in a range of activities such as; ultimate frisbee, dodgeball, healthy eating orienteering, capture the flag and team building exercises.

We were incredibly lucky to have wonderful weather and it was great to see the children enjoying being active and working together outdoors.

We hope to have them back again soon!


Hope you have a lovely weekend,

Best Wishes,

The Year 5 Team


Delaware Primary Academy  

Posted 07/05/2024
by Michaela Wright

April 2024

This month we began studying Cornwall. Our geography question being; ‘Where in the world do we live and how could we improve our local area?’ The children used maps and atlases to firstly look at the seven continents and after recapping that we lived in Europe the children began investigating exactly where Cornwall was located. They were able to tell me, using maps and atlases that Cornwall is in the South West of England which was part of the United Kingdom which is in Europe. They also used a local OS map to locate exactly where our local area of Gunnislake/St Ann’s Chapel is. During our next lesson the children spent time creating their own sketch map of Cornwall from a high view point. This required them to use observational skills to recreate the shapes of the coastlines. Next, the children compared local maps from the 1950’s to the present day to identify similarities and differences between them. This encouraged them to ask and answer questions about place, positions, patterns and processes whilst investigating the maps.

In literacy this month we began to read and study ‘The Iron Man’ by Ted Hughes. We completed lots of VIPER activities to help us learn more about what we were reading and the children spent time writing character and setting descriptions. They completed hot seating activities to help them think about the questions they may ask certain characters as well as how those characters may answer the questions. We completed work on fronted adverbials, expanded noun phrases and apostrophes to help us prepare for or final write. The children used a story plan to plan out the story of the Iron Man from his point of view. They used writing toolkits to make sure they were including all of the necessary features.

In Maths we finished our decimal unit whilst continuing to practice our times tables.

In Science the children have been learning about ‘Changing States’. They identified the three different states and learnt about their particle arrangements and properties. They looked at reversible and irreversible changes and melting and boiling points of different materials. They then planned out an experiment investigating the melting points of different foods.

This month we were lucky enough to have a visit from and ambulance and paramedic who taught us lots about the things on an ambulance and what they are used for. The children enjoyed asking questions to find out even more.


Gunnislake Primary Academy   Daymer Bay - Year 6

Posted 07/05/2024
by Susanne David


Whilst continuing to prepare for our KS2 SATs tests, Year 6 have also been having fun in the wider curriculum!

In History, we have been learning about the lives of the people living in Ancient Greece - their lifestyle, beliefs, hobbies, politics and much more!

In RE, we have been learning about the Hindu religion. We now understand why Hindus try to live a good life. Ask us about Samsara, Karma, Dharma and Moksha!

In French, linked to the Ancient Greeks and the fact that this year is an Olympic year, we have been learning about the Olympics and Olympic sports!

In Science, we have been learning all about electricity. We have learned how to make a circuit in both series and parallel; how to spot an error in a circuit; how to investigate which components can change the brightness of a bulb or the volume of a buzzer and how to make a simple set of traffic lights!

In PE, we have been practising our Athletics skills and in PSHE, we have been learning the best ways in which to live healthy, safe lives. Last week, we also welcomed Peter back. He brought his ambulance in and taught us lots about how the ambulance service can help us if and when we need them! 

After SATs, we will be completing a fun Art project, experimenting with paint in the style of Frida Kahlo and we will also be learning how to use the Microbits in Computing.


Gunnislake Primary Academy   Daymer Bay - Year 6

Posted 07/05/2024
by Susanne David


In Year 6, as well as working hard preparing for our SATs tests in May, we have also been learning about a variety of different Art techniques.

First, we sketched feathers using pencil and crayons. Next, we drew pictures of wild British birds. After that, we made a design, based on feathers, which we then transferred to a clay tablet.

Then we used wax pencils to sketch out these designs on fabric, to be dyed in a batik style.

Finally, we made our birds into 3-D models, using newspapers, PVA glue and tissue paper. They were definitely full of character, just like Year 6!


Chief Executive   Lego League Coding National Finals

Posted 07/05/2024
by Adrian Massey

A small group of pupils from Darite Primary Academy the Darite Virtual Pros had a wonderful time at the National Finals in Harrogate.

Darite were up against 73 other teams including private schools, secondary schools, grammar schools and computing clubs. Darite Virtual Pros were placed 22nd in this national event. 

 The whole team represented the school amazingly and were even nominated for an award from other teams for their attitude and kindness. Such a super achievement for this small, village school.

Well, done to all involved and thank you to everyone who sponsored the team making this adventure possible.

To read the full story and watch the day's events click here and scroll down to view Heads blog.


Pelynt Primary Academy  

Posted 07/05/2024
by Alexander Knight

Much to digest, scientifically.

We are looking at the digestive system.  How it works, what is does for us and how to look after it.  We investigated bread and what happens when you chew it - a lot.  Chewing it without swallowing to create a bolus and gives the saliva in our mouths an extended period of time to work on the starch.  Eventually, the starch is turned into maltose (sugar) and becomes sweet!  

Next job is to build a replica of the digestive system...


Looe Primary Academy  

Posted 06/05/2024
by Nicholas Bowden

Greek Gods and Goddesses

This week, we looked at the beliefs of the Ancient Greeks as part of our current topic about the Olympics. We researched the different Gods and Goddesses and then made them into Top Trump games by deciding their strengths and weaknesses.


Polperro Primary Academy   Friday 3rd May 2024

Posted 06/05/2024
by Alice Gibbings

Landaviddy have had another brilliant week. 

In Geography, we identified human features in the UK and discussed the human features we have in our area. Can you recall what a human feature is? In History, we plotted on a map where many famous explorers have explored across the world. During our Art lesson this week, we learnt about the architect Le Corbusier and created our own shape houses. Everyone did such a fantastic job too describing their likes and dislikes. Our Music session with Mrs Butlin this week, was fantastic. We got to explore the keyboards, which we loved! We can't wait until our next lesson.

In English, we have started writing up our biographies about our chosen campaigner. We will continue to write these up next week.

In Maths, Year 2 and 3 finished their unit on Shape and have now started new learning on Fractions. Year 2 have started by looking at parts and wholes. Year 3 have been learning about unit and non-unit fractions and how we can find the numerator and denominator when looking at pictorials. 

Reminder: Next week on Thursday 9th May is our class trip to the National Maritime Museum. Please ensure you have returned your permission slip and paid the contribution on ParentPay as soon as possible.

We hope you have a lovely weekend and look forward to seeing you back in school on Tuesday 7th May.

Miss Gibbings, Mrs Phillips and Miss Cullingford


Looe Primary Academy   Staying safe in and around the water

Posted 06/05/2024
by Janine Waring

We were excited to say 'hello' to our RNLI lifeguard friends this week.  We know that we live in a beautiful place, but it is important that we remember how to stay safe in and around the water.  We learned and remembered that floating if you are in difficulty is the best way to stay alive if you are in difficulty, but we also heard how we can have a lot of fun as long as we remember where we are and play safely.  We got to wear the lifeguard helmets and understand all of the equipment that they use every day in their work.  A big thank you to the RNLI for helping us out.  I wonder how many of our children will become lifeguards in the future?


Pelynt Primary Academy   Week Beginning 29th April 2024

Posted 06/05/2024
by Rebecca Gravener

We've had another super week here at Pre-School. 

Our focussed book this week was "Sam plants a Sunflower" by Kate Petty and Axel Scheffler. 

National Trust: Sam Plants a Sunflower ...

Sam the cat loves sunflowers, so together with his friends Worm and Ladybird he decides to grow some in his garden. Join Sam as he finds out all about how plants grow, and learn how you can grow your own sunflowers too. 

We all loved this book and decided it was our favourite book so far. 

We discussed what seeds need to grow and the children all came up with some really good ideas about how we could plant them and what we need to look after our seeds to help them to grow into beautiful sunflowers. 


We all planted our own sunflower seed and are going to watch them over the next few weeks to see how they grow. The children decided they wanted a competition to see who could grow the tallest sunflower. When the plants are strong enough we are going to plant them outside in our Pre-School garden to see how tall they will grow and hopefully will add some wonderful colour to our outside area.

We made some sunflower suncatchers for our windows, which look lovely when the sun shines through them.

We also planted our seed bombs into pots and have been amazed that by the end of the week a few seeds have started to show signs of life already, hopefully when we look at them next week we will see some more shoots. They will hopefully produce some beautiful flowers for our garden and for our wildlife.

Our Friday children went over to "Big School" for the whole school assembly, I had lovely comments for the other staff to say how wonderful they all were and they all sat beautifully for the whole time, We are very proud of them all.

We sent out letters for our "Big Brush Club" last week, thank you to all of you that have returned them, please may we ask for any more permission slips to be return this week so we can order all the resources we need to get started.

It’s an NHS funded scheme to improve oral wellbeing in children. You can visit for more information. If you have any questions, then please do come and speak to us at Pre-School.

It's Bank Holiday this weekend, hopefully the sun will shine!
We hope you all have a super weekend and look forward to seeing you all next week for some more planting seeds for our outside area for us all to enjoy.

Best Wishes,
Mrs G, Mrs Rickard, Mrs Rowe and Miss Carr.


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   Week ending 03.05.24

Posted 04/05/2024
by David Parry

A glorious start to May.

The children of Talland Class have been involved in several interesting activities this week which included researching and creating a timeline for the Maya civilisation. During this research, they were able to produce some amazing open questions about the civilisation: What was a typical meal for the Maya? How did the Maya protect their land? We will use these questions, and more, to help the children learn about the influences the Maya has had on contemporary society.

The children have loved digging into some horticultural work. They have managed to start planting crops in shallow beds, sowed some flower and vegetable seeds and spruced up the borders with a couple of shrubs. Who'd have known Talland Class had such 'green fingers'?  Well done, all!

Our English study has further developed the children's sentence structure. They are continuing to recognise complex sentences and beginning to use them confidently: for example, As the sun began to set, the children strolled towards the beach. 

The children have secured knowledge and understanding of decimals to thousandths. They used this knowledge to investigate percentages. They all recognise that percentages are shown by using the % sign.

best wishes,

Mr Parry, Mrs Swabey and the Talland Class team (Mrs Walters and Ms Rowlands)

This week's jokes:

Knock, Knock!
Who’s there?
Lettuce who?
Lettuce in and you’ll find out.

What kind of bean never grows in a garden?
A jelly bean!


Polruan Primary Academy   Week ending 03.05.24

Posted 04/05/2024
by Louise Westacott

Our five tiny Canute Caterpillars arrived this week ! The children are going to look after them in the hope we can release them as butterflies at the end of this half term.  They are currently in a pot with their food and once they spin their chrysalis they will be moved into a netted home…we will keep you updated !

 In English the children edited their story map and created their own characters following the plot of Little Red Riding Hood, we had some really interesting replacements for the wolf – a crocodile ! a bull ! to name a few, they all used some fantastic adjectives to describe their villians. Reception children have been enjoying writing about Superworm in Drawing Club.

 In Maths,  Reception children have been doing doubling and odd & even activities, year 1 have stormed their way through the  multiplication and division unit and enjoyed being outside practically sharing and grouping everyday objects, year 2 have been weighing classroom items and estimating what measurement would be most appropriate, grams or kilograms?

 We took full advantage of the sunny weather on Wednesday and did our mini beast hunt in forest school.  We then used our mini beast data to digitally create some bar charts for ICT,  showing the quantities of the five most popular creatures. 

 In RE we have been discussing the Five Pillars of Islam and comparing activities Muslims do that we also do, like celebrating key events with our families and giving money to charity.

In PSHE we discussed the qualities of being a good friend and relied on some of these qualities in PE when the children worked in pairs. One had to direct their blindfolded partner to move items around the playground, clear communication was key, they all succeeded and had a lot of fun!

We hope you all have a lovely long weekend, hopefully with abit of sunshine!

Best wishes The Canute Class Team


Pelynt Primary Academy   Week ending 3rd of May 2024

Posted 03/05/2024
by Suzanne Porter

Today, we thoroughly enjoyed welcoming the RLNI to school; we learnt lots about beach and water safety. Our favourite parts were the role play of saving a casualty in water and using a lifeguard’s radio to ask for further assistance.  

This week in our English lessons, the children developed their narrative plan. They boxed up the Beowulf text and planned their own using a similar story line. Each child improved their understanding of subordinate clauses and used relative clauses to add extra detail about their characters to their plans.

In our science lesson this week, we loved exploring irreversible changes. We learnt about new materials being produced and some of their useful uses.

In our history lesson, the children learnt about Viking life and how they travelled long distances across the sea.

As part of our art lesson this week, we built on our understanding of drawing techniques and applied these to our drawings of a Viking longship.

During our RE lesson, the children learnt about the key beliefs in Islam. They learnt about the five pillars and then thought about their own core beliefs.

In PSHE, we continued our focus on relationships. The children thought about the connection between thoughts, feelings and actions in different scenario and learnt ways to support themselves and others in difficult situations.

Homework has been set on Mathletics and Spelling Shed. Please also remember to read regularly and that we have Times Table Rockstar logins.

Points to remember:

Bank holiday Monday 6th May
PE on Friday this week

SATs week- 13th- 16th May

Residential 12th-14th June 2024


Polperro Primary Academy  

Posted 03/05/2024
by Karen Taylor

Penhallow Class Blog: 3rd May 2024.

A jam packed week in Penhallow this week! 

We  started the week by learning all about how to group animals based on what they ate and whether this made them a herbivore, carnivore or a omnivore (like us).

In English, we are beginning to research our minibeast, ready to write a plan for our fact file.

Maths has been full of activity this week where the Reception children are learning what happens to numbers when we add more or take some away. Year 1s are flying through their multiplication and division topic where we are learning to count in 2s, 5s and 10s as well as understanding that it is easier to count in groups if they are equal. We also learned what makes up an array, recognising lots of new maths vocabulary like row and column. 

Kai received his 33 badge this week in 99 club, well done! It is getting tougher to achieve these badges now but I know with plenty of practice we will get them in no time! There are plenty of chances to practice these maths skills on twinklGO! Ensure you are also keeping up with your KIRFs that were attached in last week's blog.

We have enjoyed two really important assemblies this week. The first was on Tuesday when we learned what it meant to be sun safe. Please send your child in with some labelled sun cream, a named sun hat and a drink every day now that we are finally seeing some brighter days! In Penhallow, we love to take our learning outside! It will also be very soon that we take our PE sessions in our wonderful school swimming pool! Remember that our PE days are Wednesday and Friday so please make sure your children have their PE kit in school for these days. Our second assembly was on beach safety with the R.N.L.I. Sam and Harry taught us all about what to do to stay safe on the beach this summer.

PSHE was so much fun this week where the children learned that it is ok to say no to physical touch as a greeting, there are lots of other ways to greet each other and we enjoyed making some new ways of greeting our friends. 

Music was fantastic fun! We leaned all about the keyboard and what different sounds we could make with them.

Well done to our 'People of the Week' this week, all showing us how to be 'Excellent' in their learning! Sonny, Dexter, Evie D and Kai, well done to all of you!

Enjoy a wonderful, longer weekend! If you get the chance, pop onto TwinklGO! where you can play lots of games which will help you with your learning. We will see you on Tuesday morning for another week of fun!

Mrs Taylor, Mrs G, Miss Colton, Miss Cullingford and Miss Hodge.


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   Visiting St Anne's

Posted 03/05/2024
by Ruth Smith

We have started our learning about our new focus story book 'We're going on a bear hunt' and when we went to St Anne's we listened to the story together before creating some bear faces.

The bear faces had to have one wet, shiny nose, two big, furry ears, two big goggly eyes; we're not scared!!

Fortunately, the Grannies and Grandads at St Anne's weren't scared either!


Looe Primary Academy  

Posted 03/05/2024
by Rebecca Hughes

Week 3 

The children have worked hard in English this week to imitate the story of Mr Gumpy’s Outing. With a lot of imagination, the story became Mrs Gumpy’s Outing and the children thought of many different animals to fit the story. The year 1 children then spent time writing a part of the imitated story and the foundation children worked hard to draw and label a picture from the imitated story. The year 1’s have also planned a new version of the story and are getting ready to write their stores next week.

In Maths the year 1 children have been exploring volume and capacity. They have enjoyed filing jugs and cups and exploring the capacity of an object and the different volume of water they could put in the jugs!

The foundation children have been working on doubles this week and have learnt a brilliant rhyme to help them remember.

In PSHE this week the children explored different relationships. They looked at different pictures and tried to guess the relationship between the people in the picture and whether it looked kike a good or not so good relationship. The children then worked in groups and role played how they like to greet known adults and their peers. Look out for the new greetings on the door soon!

The children have been exploring so much learning this week and continue to make wonderful progress and try their best!

We hope you all have a great bank holiday weekend and we will see you all on Tuesday

Foundation /year 1 team.





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