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St Cleer Primary Academy   Around the World in 80 Minutes with Glee Club

Posted 21/06/2024
by Michele Spencer

Thank you so much to Glee club for taking up on a musical trip that included under water escapades, graceful dancing and British sign language. Thank you for entertaining us and showing that wonderful connection you have found with each other through the arts. We were impressed and entertained in equal measure.


St Cleer Primary Academy   Fun in the sun

Posted 21/06/2024
by Rebecca Whitty

Fun in the sun. 

We have had a fun filled week this week here in Pre school.  We had a BIG change to our morning routine where parents/ carers stayed outside and the children had a go at putting their stuff away independently. Well, everyone did it and everyone was happy! Everyone remembered to pop book bags and drink bottles into the cubby, then  go and sit down and write their names. We  were so impressed with them and they were proud of themselves. 
' Miss Whitty, we are big kids now we can do it',  ' I feel good, I can do it I big kid now!'  We will be doing this from now on. 

The children requested a bubble station and they made their own wands. 

Friday was wear yellow day for CFS to celebrate a brave child in our school. We also had our fun run, we all managed to do at least three laps of our field, we then enjoyed an ice pole after. Thankyou to the PTA for these. 

This week in phonics we have been learning the sounds 'l' and 'h' the children are doing really well with these and some have even started to sound  and blend CVC words. h a t = hat, h o p = hop,   l e g = leg they hold up three fingers and use their pinch fingers when saying each sound. Well done everyone. 

Scissor skills are a big focus for us all at the moment, the children have been enjoying practicing these skills. 

Next week we will be looking at the sounds 'j' and 'r'. 

We have been lucky to have our wonderful student Ellie in with us three times this week. Thank you Ellie for everything you do to support the children. Ellie is with us until the end of the year. We are very lucky! 

Well done everyone, we are so proud of you!   Have a lovely weekend and we shall see you all next week. :)

Miss Whitty, Miss Ronald and Ellie. 


Duloe C of E Primary Academy   Quad Kids

Posted 21/06/2024
by David Hannah

On Wednesday, children represented our school at Looe Community Academy's Quad Kids Event. Competing in standing long jump, javelin throw, and an 800m run. A great time was had by all. A big thank you to Looe Community Academy for hosting the event.


Duloe C of E Primary Academy   Bridge Games 2024

Posted 21/06/2024
by David Hannah

This week, the whole school took part in The Bridge Schools Games. Events included standing long jump, speed bounce, shot put, French Boules and a French themed football event.
Our year 6s had the responsibility of teaching each group how to complete the different events. The children all showed great sportsmanship cheering and encouraging each other - now to await the results!


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   Week ending 21.06.24

Posted 21/06/2024
by Helen King

A wonderful week...

This week in Lantic class we have been finishing and writing our own poems - we even practised our handwriting by writing them out on special paper!  We also enjoyed our drumming lesson - we also do lots of singing during drums. In maths we have been learning some more about lines of symmetry - we have been using mirror lines to draw matching halves.  During Science we learnt and wrote about the lifecycle of a sunflower, we thought it was sad when it wilts, but what a blessing it is to have all those seeds after!


Lanlivery Primary Academy   Summer Term

Posted 21/06/2024
by Lauren Howell

Sports day

The children had a fantastic time at sports day. They showed fantastic determination and sportsmanship. Polkerris were victorious. Thank you to all the parents and family that came to support and the refreshments from the PTA. Luckily the rain stayed away!

This week, we have also been taking part in the Bridge School Games. Everyday we have competed in a different challenge and have been sending off our schools as part of a competition with the other schools in the trust. We will find out next week how we got on!


Wadebridge Primary Academy  

Posted 21/06/2024
by Sorrel Beckett

Summer 2 - Week 2 & 3 - We can't stop and won't stop! 


During Week 2, the children planned and completed their ‘Tale of Three Brothers’ poems, they used their toolkits to ensure they had included all of the appropriate success criteria. We had a particular focus on the ability rhyme, using ‘rhymezone’ to help them find words that would fit their poems best. We also took the time to edit, improve and re-draft the poems before writing them up in best. The children wrote them on parchment paper, which then went in their Star Writer books.

During Week 3, keeping in theme, the children moved onto their next learning journey, focusing on the British author J.K Rowling. The children were going to write their own narrative pieces based on the text ‘Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s stone. To begin the journey, the children used their VIPERS skills to unpick chapters 1 & 2, they looked at the characters within the story and discussed what life was life was like for Harry. Using this knowledge, they planned their own chapter that could follow own. They were all given the same themes, in that it had to include Harry going to work with Uncle Vernon, Uncle Vernon being unkind and as a result something magical took place. The skill within this was to use speech to convey character and advance action.

Finally, to end the week, the children unpicked the four main features of figurative language. They used this to unpick the events that took place at Privet Drive from an outsider’s perspective.


In Week 2, we completed our negative numbers learning journey. For their final lesson the children looked at finding the difference. They learnt that when working with negative numbers you can add them in order to find the difference. To end the learning journey the children completed their end of unit assessments. We recorded the scores on our class tracker, discussed misconceptions and all children set themselves next steps.

The children then began a new learning journey of converting units. We reminded them of the things to look out for example confusing ‘Kilo’ and ‘Centi’ using the factor of 100 instead of 1,000. In the first few lessons, the children were introduced to kilograms and kilometres, litres and millilitres. We focused on the declarative knowledge e.g. how many grams in a kilogram. The children decorated their Morning Work with this information which they could refer to throughout the learning.

In Week 3, we looked at metric units, imperial units and the ended the week on units of time. Some children expressed in particular that time was tricky, any support with this at home would really help build their confidence!


Wider Curriculum

Across both weeks, it has been all about Science! During Week 2, the children completed an experiment where they explored materials that were soluble in water. The wrote out the materials they would be experimenting with and wrote a prediction using their prior knowledge. For the experiment the children then placed different solutes into the solvent water and times how long it took to dissolve.

In the following lesson, they then looked at changing the variables for example temperature. They had to state whether this would affect the rate in which the solute dissolves. “I predict that the sugar will dissolve quicker in hot water, I think this because when you put sugar in tea it almost dissolves instantly depending on the amount of sugar you put in” – Harry 5B.

In Week 3, the children then explored how mixtures can be separated by filtering, sieving, evaporating and magnets. They first learnt about each of the methods and what they are usually used for. They then made predictions and carried out the experiment e.g. Paper clips in sand, they decided to use magnets as they knew paper clips were magnetic and could be lifted out easily.

In the following lesson, the children had to then recognise and describe reversible and irreversible changes, they were presented with four problems and they had to discuss how they could reverse the change for example chocolates that melted in the sun, they suggested placing it into a mold and putting it into cold temperatures to return it to its natural state.

Important Dates:

·      WC: 8th July 2024 – Art week

·      Wednesday 10th July 2024 – Our girls can

·      Thursday 11th July 2024 – Reports will be given


    Have a wonderful weekend,

   Best wishes,

   The Year 5 Team


Wadebridge Primary Academy   Year 3 Sports Day

Posted 20/06/2024
by Lindsey Smerdon

Sports Day 2024

On Wednesday 19th June Year 3 had their Olympic Themed Sports Day.

The day started with the sprint races followed by the egg and spoon, sack race, relay and the infamous parents race!

Year 3 then took part in a carousel of activities including bowls, shotput and Football a la Francaise.

All the children tried their best, cheered each other on and had a fantastic time!

A huge well done to the Choughs who were the overall Year 3 winners!


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   The Great Outdoors!

Posted 20/06/2024
by Katie Grinsted

Summer Sun

What lovely weather we've been enjoying this week! Tregantle Class have welcomed some new friends from different nurseries this week for their transition sessions to school. We spent lots of time in the garden using things from nature to make some crowns. The children used flowers, leaves and small sticks to create some fantastic patterns. We then made a new role play area in the garden - a pirate ship! The children all had lots of fun dressing up and finding treasure. Some children made treasure maps to help find the treasure and there was even a plank to walk along on the pirate ship! 
Tregantle Class have been getting active when practicing their races for sports day. We are getting very excited to take part in lots of races in a few weeks time! 


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   Week ending 21.06.24

Posted 19/06/2024
by David Parry

Life Skills

Throughout this week, the children have learned basic first aid skills. This included learning how to put a person into the recovery position; placing a triangular bandage into a position to make an arm sling; and the simple technique for cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). There were all amazing at this. Well done, Talland Class.

This week has included using important grammar techniques in the children's story writing. The children have consolidated their knowledge and understanding of the use of speech marks and writing pieces of dialogue. They have been using some magnificent words so as not to overuse 'said': respond, growled and whispered, for instance.

This week's study has been investigating angles. We started with the terms acute, obtuse and reflex angles. This progressed to using protractors to accurately measure given angles then drawing their own angles.

best wishes,

Mr Parry, Mrs Swabey and the Talland Class team (Mrs Walters and Ms Rowlands)

This week's jokes:

“Injuries” by R.U. Okay.

What part of first aid are pirates best at?


Looe Primary Academy   Teeth Brushing

Posted 19/06/2024
by Helen Hoskin

This week we have started our teeth cleaning sessions. We have been supplied with toothbrushes and toothpaste so that we can collectively clean our teeth each day. This is a 3 minute activity that will promote oral health and wellbeing. The children are really enjoying this, we even have a special song to sing!


Polruan Primary Academy   Week ending Friday 14th June

Posted 17/06/2024
by Sarah Andrew

What a lovely week we have had in Canute Class this week. We started the week by releasing our beautiful butterflies out into the big wide world. We have been looking out for them each day to see if they come back to visit!

In English this week we finished writing our poems and they are amazing. The children were really engaged in their learning and used their fantastic imaginations to create some wonderful poems. We also started to think our new learning, all about writing recounts. We were very lucky that the sun shone for our 'experience day' where we visited the Wild Tribe area and completed a range of activities used as a stimulus for our writing next week.

In Maths: - Reception have been continuing their work on numbers to 20 and beyond. - Year 1 have been completing their unit of work exploring and understanding place value with numbers up to 100. - Year 2 have been focusing hard on recognising and finding fractions of numbers and shapes, particularly quarters and three quarters.

We continued our exploration of the World in our Geography, comparing the countryside and cities, locating the equator and poles on our World maps and creating posters to explain how we can all do our bit to slow down the effects of climate change on our world.

We have got another fantastic week ahead where we will all be taking part in various sporting activities as a part of the Bridge School Games and our annual sports day on Thursday. We can't wait to see you there.

Best wishes Mrs Andrew, Mrs Fernie, Miss Taylor, Miss Talbot


Darite Primary Academy   Class visit to Bodmin Jail

Posted 17/06/2024
by Charlotte Godby

How has crime and punishment changed in Cornwall?

Class 3 had a very interesting trip to Bodmin Jail where we discovered how crime, punishment and prisons have changed in the last few hundred years. The class, as always, demonstrated their curiosity for learning by asking perceptive questions and linking new discoveries to previous learning. 


Pelynt Primary Academy   Week Ending Friday 14th June 2024

Posted 16/06/2024
by Joanna Rickard

Ahoy, Me Hearties! 

What a jolly good pirate week of fun we have had here in Pre-School. 

This week’s book has been the funny story of ‘Pirates Love Underpants’, with plenty of giggles from the children.    

Our pirate ship and beach role play areas have been hugely popular with the children – using the dressing up props, gold coins and maps to sail stormy seas and seek pirate adventures.  

This week we learned the names of famous pirates before finding out our own pirate names using the pirate's name generator The children found it hugely entertaining to hear their own and their friends' pirate names, such as – Seadog Stinkalot, One Eyed Squid Legs, Swashbuckler Custard Pie!  

We then perfected our pirate skills by learning to say some pirate phrases such as ‘shiver me timbers, ‘yo ho ho’ and ‘walk the plank!’ 

Also, this week the children enjoyed making some treasure maps to help find the golden coins, they used tea bags to make the maps look old.  

We will continue our pirate themed fun into next week with our book ‘Ten Pirates’ so plenty more adventures aboard ‘The Jolly Rodger’ buckos 

A reminder that it is our whole school sports day on Friday 21st June starting at 9.30am.  Please check your emails for the letter from schoolAll children are welcome to attend but please note that if it is not your child’s normal session day, they are welcome to join in with the races but will return to their adult when the Pre-School races have finished.  

If you have any questions, then please come and speak to us.  


We hope you all have a lovely weekend,  

The Pre-School Team. 




Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   Week ending 14.06.24

Posted 16/06/2024
by David Parry

Creative Art Week

The children have had the opportunity to apply their creative skills during this week. The focus was abstract drawing and painting. As you can see from the pictures, the children's ideas, creativity and enthusiasm oozed out throughout the week. They should all be proud of their achievements.

This week, the children have learned how to write a set of instructions using imperative verbs and numbered bullet points. They have also secured their knowledge and understanding for the use of : and ;. 

This has been the final week for the children's study of decimal numbers for this term. They are now confident in adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing decimal numbers. This includes its every day use when calculating money. 

best wishes,

Mr Parry, Mrs Swabey and the Talland Class team (Mrs Walters and Ms Rowlands)

This week's jokes:

What did the artist draw before he went to bed? – The curtains!

Did you hear about the artist that always took things too far?
– She didn’t know where to draw the line.


Pelynt Primary Academy   Week ending Friday 14th June 2024

Posted 15/06/2024
by Suzanne Porter

This week was our much-anticipated class residential. I am sure the children will agree- it did not disappoint!

The children were absolute stars throughout and a credit to the school and their families. Hopefully they have told you all about the fun we had.  

More photos to follow soon.


Polperro Primary Academy   Penhallow 14.6.2024

Posted 15/06/2024
by Karen Taylor

It has been a wonderful week in Penhallow this week where we have continued to delve a bit deeper into our new enquiry; What is the Commotion in the Ocean.

Year 1s have done a super job in their Phonics Screening Checks this week and it is wonderful to hear and see their progress in their reading.

In English, we continue to look at rhyming words to write our own verse for the Commotion in the Ocean story.

In maths, reception have been investigating more into patterns and year 1s are now exploring numbers to 100.

We managed to squeeze in a swim this week and the children all had fun moving around the pool and looking a little more into floating. We also enjoyed an athletics lesson, where we tested our pace and realised that we would get very tired if we tried to run our fastest when running for longer periods of time. 

In Geography, we investigated where we lived and discovered the difference between a town, city or village. 

We began our new PSHE topic of 'Changing Me' and the children enjoyed learning about our body parts and lifecycles.

Well done to Iylah who received her 55 badge in 99 club this week! Keep practicing your KIRFs to ensure that your maths facts are embedded and recalled quickly; this will help you to succeed in 99 club! 

Well done to our 'People of the Week' this week for showing our school values. This term we focus on being enthusiastic in our learning. Dexter and Darragh were picked for showing super enthusiasm in their learning and I picked all of the Year 1s for being amazing in their Phonics Screening Checks!

We are looking forward to performing to you at the Polperro Festival on Tuesday and we have been busy learning our songs so we can 'wow' the crowds at the school day on the Big Green. We look forward to seeing you there!

This week is also a big week for sport at school, the Bridge School Games take place where children will be taking part in a variety of French themed activities. Please ensure PE kit is in all week and swimming kit will be needed if the weather is kind to us!

I have just updated the twinklGO! activities and extra reading opportunities so please pop on to have a go if you have any spare time over the weekend. This is all aimed at your child's relevant learning.

Enjoy a wonderful weekend and we look forward to seeing you on Monday for another great week!

Mrs Taylor, Mrs G, Miss Colton, Miss Cullingford and Miss Hodge.


Polperro Primary Academy   Friday 14th June 2024

Posted 14/06/2024
by Alice Wilkie

It's been another busy week, with performance practise and prop making well underway!

We launched our new enquiry 'What's On Our Doorstep?', thinking carefully about what we would like to learn this half term. In Geography, we revised compass directions and has a go at using 4 figure grid references. We've been spending time rehearsing for our 'rocking' Polperro Festival performance which is on Tuesday! We can't wait! Please continue to practise the songs and your speaking part! Links to the songs can be found in the previous blog post.

We have come to the end of Fractions in Maths. Year 2 have been working hard finding three-quarters of a set of objects and Year 3 have been applying pictorial strategies to find the non-unit fraction of an amount. We are ready to move on to the world of Statistics next!

English this week has involved lots of Polperro Festival rehearsal along with continuing to explore legends. We made predictions about the Polish legend we will be learning, 'The Cobbler and the Dragon' and today wrote descriptions of a dragon's lair using our senses.

Polite Reminder: Please can you ensure you are bringing your colour banded reading book in with you to school everyday. 

Congratulations to Summer and Anya for being Landaviddy's People of the Week.

We hope you have a great weekend and see you on Monday.

Mrs Wilkie, Mrs Phillips and Miss Bowden


Polperro Primary Academy   Talland's Class Blog 14.6.24

Posted 14/06/2024
by Anthea Hillman


SUMMER 2 has kicked off and there's been loads going on already! 

I'm extremely pleased to say we have our final collage art pieces! They look fantastic! I can't wait for them to take them home for you to see!

Year 4 have been measuring their way through length and perimeter. They have their post assessment next week... Eeeee!
Year 5 have been diving into position and movement. Why not ask them all about translation?

Drama based - we have been rehearsing our production for Polperro Festival happening THIS TUESDAY! Hopefully you can make it. Talland have been working so hard. It really is looking fabulous!

We've had a lot of fun using Excel this week. Children have been firstly, 'tinkering' on it to see what kind of madness they can create. Then, we have put our data from a science experiment into a spreadsheet and converted that data into a chart. The children have loved it and the finished results are excellent!

The Bridge School Games kick off next week. Could all children please make sure they have their PE kits in school ALL week. This is all about the up coming Olympic Games, Paris 2024. Date for your Diary: 26th July 2024 is when the Olympic Games start - I for one, CAN'T WAIT!  

For Polperro Festival, children have been asked to try and bring in some clothing which resembles Victorian School Children. Ideally plane white, black, brown or grey. Please, please, please DO NOT feel you need to buy anything for their outfit!
Boys: A plain shirt and trousers. Waist coat, top hat and braces if you have them - not a problem if not. 
Girls: A long plane dress or a plane shirt/blouse and long skirt. Or what ever you can find. There is no pressure what so ever!

A massive well done to the year 4's this week, who have completed their times tables checks. Every last one of them should be tremendously proud of themselves and a huge thank you to the year 5's for being so respectful to the year 4's throughout this week.

Finally, well done to Harrison and Tabbi for being nominated as writers of the week. Well done to Harley and Joey for being nominated as mathematicians of the week. Well done to Ashton and Thomas for being nominated as readers of the week.

That's all from us. We hope you have an incredible weekend.

Signing off from Mr. Langley, Mr. Bishop and Mrs. Hodge.


Pelynt Primary Academy   Week ending Friday 14th June 2024

Posted 14/06/2024
by Rebecca Horn

We have had another wonderful week together in Class 1!

Here's a brief overview of just some of our learning...

In maths this week we have been exploring grouping and sharing. We were grouping for a purpose and dividing a set of objects by placing a certain number in each group. We ended the week with odd and even sharing, we were each given different a different amount of buttons and had to say whether we had an odd or even number, we investigated this by sharing the buttons out. 

In art we started to paper mache a balloon which we hope to turn into a piece of art linked to artist Jane Tomlinson over the coming weeks... watch this space! 

We have also been practicing for sports day, we look forward to welcoming you to our sports day and family picnic next Friday 21st from 9:30-1pm. 

The theme for Show and Tell next week is: A photograph of you at the beach. Please bring the photograph in on Thursday morning or if emailing photos please send to by 8:40am on Thursday.

Class 1 Team


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