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Head's Blog   Computing - photography

Posted 21/02/2024
by David Hannah

Class 3 have been learning how to take, upload and edit digital images in their computing lessons. The children have demonstrated their creative flair and captured some truly remarkable photographs. 


Head's Blog   Internal Sports Competetion

Posted 21/02/2024
by David Hannah

Each half term at Duloe we hold an internal sports competetion based upon the area the children are focusing within their PE lessons. This half-term the children have been looking at target games, so we came together to show off our skills in a number of different ways. 


Head's Blog   Religious Education - Christmas Wreaths

Posted 21/02/2024
by David Hannah

As part of Class 1's Religious Education, we looked at 'Incarnation' in the build up to Christmas. The children made their own wreaths as part of their learning abour advent made from natural materials and decorated them with candles to represent the Sundays building up to Christmas Day. 


Head's Blog   The names Bond, James Bond

Posted 18/12/2023
by David Hannah

This half-term Class 3 have been linking their learning to James Bond. In their computing lessons, they have planned and created their own movie trailers for a James Bond film of their own. The children have demonstrated fantastic technical ability and really shown their creative flair! 


Head's Blog   Musical Performance

Posted 15/12/2023
by David Hannah

We are blessed to have some wonderful musicians at Duloe and many of our children have additional music lessons provided by the Cornwall Music Trust. This week we were treated to an amazing guitar performance from our children ranging from Year 2 to Year 6. 


Head's Blog   Sporting Success

Posted 26/11/2023
by David Hannah

Huge congratulations also go to all of the children who have represented the school through their sporting exploits over the last few weeks. Year 2 did an amazing job at their multi-skills event at Looe secondary, the cross-country team were fantastic in the rain at Lanhydrock and this week also saw the inaugural Bridge Schools dodgeball competition at Callywith College. Competing against children from the other 13 Bridge Schools our children were really impressive!


Head's Blog   Climate Injustice @ Westminster

Posted 26/11/2023
by David Hannah

The artistic talents of Duloe’s children will also be displayed at the Houses of Commons in the new year. All of the painting the children produced for our Harvest Service relating to climate justice were entered into a national competition and two of our children’s painting have been selected. Huge congratulations to Emily and Lucas who will have their painting displayed at Westminster Palace. 


Head's Blog   Christmas Card Winner

Posted 26/11/2023
by David Hannah

We are very proud to announce that Rowan was a winner in the Truro Diocese Christmas card competition this year. We have no idea where he gets his artistic talent from!


Head's Blog   Victorian Day

Posted 26/11/2023
by David Hannah

Wow Class 2! Thank you to everyone for making our Victorian day such a success! All the children looked fantastic and embraced the grubby faces! We enjoyed a ragged school experience complete with chalkboard writing and chanting 'God Save the Queen'. All the children agreed that modern PE is more fun than the drills we practiced in the playground. We concluded the day with jammy crumpets and parlour games. 


Head's Blog   New Books

Posted 26/11/2023
by David Hannah

As part of our Gold Membership with the Cornwall Library Service, children from Class 2 selected 143 new books this week which should keep them very busy over the next few months!


Head's Blog   We all have mental health

Posted 20/11/2023
by David Hannah


Head's Blog   Children in Need

Posted 13/11/2023
by David Hannah

This week we will be celebrating Children in Need on Friday by holding a non-uniform day. During the week, we will be looking at the work the charity does supporting children and fighting injustice. In Collective Worship we looked at the story of Ghalia, Noorullah and Youssef and how Children in Need supported them when they came to the UK


Head's Blog   Remembrance

Posted 13/11/2023
by David Hannah

Children at Duloe laid a wreath at the war memorimal to commemorate Rememberance Sunday. Within school children wrote poems from the perspective of soldiers during the First World War and children have been raising funds for the Royal British Legion throughout the week. 


Head's Blog   PHSE - Celebrating Difference

Posted 13/11/2023
by David Hannah

This week each class has been looking at ‘Celebrating Difference’ as part of their PHSE lessons. Class 3 learnt about Nicola Adams. They found Nicola's story compelling, particularly the work she has done towards promoting better understanding of the LGBTQ+ community. The children thought of the 'differences' we can have as people in groups, using Nicola's story as inspiration. Class 2 enjoyed finding out what they have in common with their friends and what makes them unique within the class.  They discussed how they are responsible for their words and actions, and reflected on occasions when they have spoken without thinking. Class 1 have been thinking about which things they are good at and things that are special to them. They compared these and noticed that there were similarities and differences which we could see from the class paper chain they created with ‘special’ links joining them altogether.


Head's Blog   Author visit

Posted 12/10/2023
by David Hannah

Class 3 had a virtual visit from author Hannah Gold and illustrator Levi Pinfold to discuss the process of creating their wonderful books. Class 3 have read The Last Bear and many of the children were inspired to read Hannah's other creations. 


Head's Blog   Rugby Festival

Posted 04/10/2023
by David Hannah

After the success of last weeks football festival, this week twenty children from Duloe visited Looe secondary to take part in a touch rugby festival. The children have been developing their rugby skills throughout this term as this paid dividends with some great play being shown by the children. 


Head's Blog   Football Festival

Posted 29/09/2023
by David Hannah

On Thursday we hosted a football competition with five other local schools who are part of Bridge Schools. It was a superb event, organised by Mr Hodgins, which saw a number of children have the opportunity to represent Duloe is a competitive fixture. We have an ambition this year to give as many children as possible this opportunity to play competitive sport. With that in mind, a reminder that on Friday 13th October, all children need to come to school in PE kit as we will be holding our half-termly internal sports competition. 


Head's Blog   Trainee teacher in Class 1

Posted 22/09/2023
by David Hannah

My name is Lauren Greenslade, and I am currently on the final stint of my trainee teaching journey. I grew up in Cornwall with my Mum, Dad and Brother and still currently reside in my childhood home. Although I didn’t have the best of experiences with both primary and secondary education, I was still fixated on the idea of a career with education and children. I chose to expand my knowledge by taking Childcare during my GCSE’s and furthering that knowledge and studying City and Guild’s Level 2 Childcare. 

Although losing both my Dad and Grandad within little time of one another, I used these experiences and emotions to drive my passion and pursue my original career goal. Despite these events setting me back slightly, they did not defer me from continuing on and leaping into A-Level’s and Higher Education. I was lucky enough to study BA(Hons) Educational Studies at Plymouth University, where I achieved a 2:2 degree.


Class 1   Class 1

Posted 15/09/2023
by David Hannah

Class 1 is taught by Mrs Currah and Mr Hannah and is supported by Mrs Penhaligan, Mrs Hughes, Mrs Hill and Mrs Wright.

PE day for the class is Thursday. 


Class 2   Class 2

Posted 15/09/2023
by Laura Cole

Class 2 is taught by Mrs Askew and is supported by Mrs Lozynski, Mrs Hughes and Mr Gillespie.

PE day for class is Wednesday.


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We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.



We are passionate about learning.



We are the best we can be.



We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.

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